The nominations for YWCA's 2018 Women of Distinction Awards are now open! The deadline to submit your nominations is December 1st, 2017.
Before completing the application, all nominators should read the Nomination Package, which outlines the award categories, the nomination process, and important tips for creating a successful nomination. To review this package, please click here.
To access the online application, please click here. Please note that you cannot save responses in this application without submitting. For this reason, we recommend that nominators complete a draft of the nomination form in this Application Template so that progress can be saved over time. While all nominations are to be submitted online through the link above, this document can be used as a tool to prepare responses before completing the online submission.
In addition to completing the online form, nominators must forward the following two documents via e-mail to
1. A recent, high resolution photo of the nominee (note: please submit a close-range photo where the nominee’s face is clearly visible)
2. The WOD Nominee Consent Form signed by your nominee
Interested in supporting these awards as a sponsor? Check out this link to our 2018 Sponsorship Package.
The prestigious Women of Distinction Awards are presented annually by YWCA's across Canada to celebrate the achievements of women and provide a platform to share their stories in a way that empowers, inspires, and motivates others to learn, achieve, and participate. Within their respective domains, these women have inspired and empowered others by breaking barriers, overcoming obstacles, and meeting challenges to make a difference in the lives of others. YWCA St. John's fourth annual Women of Distinction Awards Ceremony will take place on March 8th, 2018 at Clovelly Golf Course (100 Golf Course Road, St. John's).