Ready for Launch

A 12-week employment program for young women and gender-diverse folks ages 16-30 who are facing barriers to employment.

Connextions Employment Program

Individual employment-related support services for newcomer women and gender-diverse folks ages 18+ experiencing barriers to employment.


Past Projects

Immigrant Women’s Leadership & Employment Mentorship Project

Newcomer women were at the center of this work, applying the critical lens of lived-experience through which the findings were filtered, analyzed and presented. Newcomer women were engaged as peer researchers, participating in skill-development and capacity-building training sessions, and then conducting community-based research to inform the development of strategies supporting newcomer women’s economic self-sufficiency and successful labour market participation.

Read more about the project here.

ReLaunch Employment Program

ReLaunch was a 19-week employment program for women and gender diverse folks (ages 30+) experiencing barriers to employment. The program included:

  • A paid 7-week employment skills development group program

  • A paid 12-week work experience